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The Shor LanguageGeneral Information on the LanguageSelf-ethnonym of the ethnic groupBibliography on the Shor language The most used names are Shor and Tadar Kizhiler (тадар кижилер) in Shor language (adopted from Russians, literally, Tatars) and Shor Kizhiler (шор кижилер) (Shor is a largest clan of Shor people); Names and self-names of the languageShor (Russian: шорский) is name of the language used by other peoples; Tadar til (тадар тил), Shor (шор тил) are names of the language used by Shors themselves. ![]() Photo © Rashid Salikhov, 2004. Archive of Tomaskaya Pisanitsa Natural preserve and Museum Generic affiliationThe Shor language belongs to Khakass subgroup of Uighur-Oguz group of Turkic language family. Geographical Spread of the LanguageThe Shors live in the south of Kemerovskaya Province (Gornaya Shoria), downstream of Kondoma, Mrassu and Tom Rivers. Language contactsIn prehistoric period the Shor language had contacts with Ket and Ob Ugric languages; in the early ancient Turkic period, contacts with Iranian languages, in later periods – with Mongolian, and at present – with Russian and Turkic languages of Gorniy Altai and Khakassiya. Number of Native SpeakersThe total number of native speakers equals to 15900 Shors (census of 1989); less than 10% of them are fluent in their language. Dialects and subdialectsThere are two main dialects: Mrassu and Kondoma; each of them has a well-developed network of subdialects: the main subdialects of Kondoma dialect are Lower Mrassu, including Abashevo vernacular, Mundybash (Kalar), Antropovo, Upper Kondoma, Pyzas; the main subdialects of Mrassu dialect are Lower Mrassu, Tom, Middle Mrassu, Kobyrza, Upper Mrassu, including Orton vernacular; at present, due to mobility of Shor population, blending of subdialects and leveling of dialectal distinctions are in progress. Linguistic Characteristic of the Language![]() Photo © Rashid Salikhov, 2004. Archive of Tomaskaya Pisanitsa Natural preserve and Museum PhonologyVocalism: 8 short and 8 long vowel phonemes (а, о, ы, у, е, ö, и, ÿ). Long vowels appeared as a result of omission of a number of intervocalic vowels. Palatal and labial vowel harmony is characteristic in the frameworks of multisyllabic root and affixal wordform. Palatal vowel harmony is broken in subdialects of Kondoma dialect; labial harmony is rather characteristic of Mrassu dialect and is broken in Kondoma dialect. There is aspiratory musical stress. Consonantism is expressed in full or partial regressive assimilation and palatalization of consonants л, с, к in soft row words. MorphologyPostaffixal agglutination with elements of analytism, fusion processes at the junction of morphemes. Nouns are characterized by morphological categories of the number, case, possessiveness, predication; the verbs – by categories of mood, tense, person/number, modality, aspect, actionsart, voice, negation. There is a well-developed system of infinite verbal forms: participles as polyfunctional forms, combining the finite function with various infinite ones, adverbial participles, infinitives. The structure of nominal and verbal wordforms can be described in terms of the grammar of order: a maximal nominal wordform consists of a lexical morpheme (left), an affix of plural number, an affix of possessiveness (right); a maximal verbal wordform consists of a lexical morpheme (root or a derivative, probably, with actionsart indices) (left), an affix of negation, mood/tense, person/number (right). Semantic and grammatical dataNoun: a well-developed network of spatial cases, which is presently enriched in the result of the synthesis of postpositions, the presence of продольного и направительного падежей in addition to common Turkic locative, ablative and dative cases. Verb: the expression of actionsart, modal and aspect/tense meanings, primarily, in the frameworks of analytical verbal constructions with postverbs, the presence of categorical markers of indirectness of action. Syntactic dataThe language has a nominative structure, unmarked word order in the sentence: “subject-object-predicate”, with subordinate syntactic members (predicative and non-predicative) preceding their “master” and syntactic relations between situations are expressed, mostly, in the frameworks of a monofit complex sentence (монофитное сложное предложение) with an infinite form of the verb in a subordinate clause. Socio-Linguistic Description of the Language
![]() The beginning of Shor epic tale Qan Mergen in Latin transcription. In: Шорский фольклор / Сост. Н.П. Дыренкова. М.-Л., 1940. С. 82. Sample of Shor folklore textThe beginnig of the Shor epic story Qara-QanRecorded by D.A. Funk from storyteller V.E. Tannagashev in Myski town, Kemerovskaya Province, 2002. [mp3 (36 s / 282 Kb) listen] Амдыг(ы) тöлдиң алында полча, Пурун(гу) тöлдиң соонда полча. Чер пÿдерде, Чер-суг кабыжарда полча. Калакпа чер пöлÿшкан темнер полтур, Камышпа суг пöлÿшчиткан темнер полтур. Кöгериш келип кöк öлең öс чаттыр, Алтын пÿрлÿ ак казынның паштарында Кырык кушка какыш чöрча, Кöк öлең паштарында Кöк торчуктар кöглеп чиган полтур. Часкы тем полтур. Photographs![]() Photo © Rashid Salikhov, 2004. Archive of Tomaskaya Pisanitsa Natural preserve and Museum ![]() Photo © Rashid Salikhov, 2004. Archive of Tomaskaya Pisanitsa Natural preserve and Museum Specialists and Academic Centers Conducting Studies of the Language
Projects of Studies of the LanguageProject “Shorika”: DFG and RFFR, 1989-2002. [details] |
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