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Specialized Academic, Public and Private Foundations Supporting Projects of Documentation, Preservation and Revitalization of Endangered LanguagesWestern Europe and USAThe Program of Documentation of Endangered Languages (DoBeS) Volkswagen FoundationAddress of the foundation: The Endangered Languages Documentation Program of Lisbet Rausing Charitable Fund, presently, Hans Rausing Endangered Languages Project (HRELP) administered by the School of Oriental & African Studies, London University / SOASAddress of the foundation: Foundation for Endangered Languages / FEL, GBMailing Address of the President of the Foundation: The Endagered Language Fund / ELF, USAAddress for ordinary mail: Address for express mail: Swiss Society for Documentation of Endangered Languages (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für bedrohte Sprachen)Mailing Address: German Society for Documentation of Endangered Languages (Deutsche Gesellschaft für bedrohte Sprachen / DGfS)Website: www.uni-koeln.de/gbs/index.html Projects of documentation of endangered languages are also Funded by the following large national scientific foundations:
There are no specialized foundations in this research area in Russia. Projects connected with documentation of endangered languages are sporadically supported by:
Nota beneThe average amount of funding provided by Russian scientific foundations to support the projects in this sphere is comparable to or even exceeds the average amounts of grants provided by such foundations as ELF, FEL, SchwGBS and DGfS. At the same time the level of funding is ten times lower than amounts of funding provided within specialized programs like DoBeS or HRELP. The main difficulties arising during the application process to programs DoBeS and HRELP include:
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